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The "Neurotechnologies of Russia 2023" industry forum took place in Moscow

Neurotechnologies have become increasingly integrated into various sectors of the economy today; their interdisciplinary nature allows for their application in unexpected areas.

Our CEO, Natalia Galkina, and Deputy Executive Director, Dmitry Orlov, attended the "Neurotechnologies of Russia 2023" conference, during which they addressed the challenges encountered by companies operating in the neurotechnology sector. Among these challenges are the lack of investment and a shortage of skilled professionals.

Despite these obstacles, the Neuronet market in Russia is actively growing and expanding, driven by rising demand in industries utilizing neurotechnologies, such as artificial intelligence.

For those interested in the latest advancements in neurotechnology, particularly in neurorehabilitation, we extend an invitation to explore the virtual exhibition at https://expo.neuronet.expert.

Source: https://vk.com/@social__tech-na-ostrie-nauki-i-tehniki-v-moskve-proshel-otraslevoi-forum

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NeuroChat ist für Menschen, die niemals aufgeben! Wählen sie ihre bevorzugte Lieferungsart und entdecken sie Kommunikation auf neuem Niveau!


Damit unser einzigartiges Produkt für Millionen von Menschen zugänglich wird, verbreiten wir in dieser Rubrik aktiv alle Neuigkeiten unseres Produkts NeuroChat.

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