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Panel Discussion: "Starting Your Own Startup in Moscow"

The State University of Management hosted a panel discussion titled "Starting Your Own Startup in Moscow" on February 20. Our Communications Director, Alesya Chichinkina, was among the speakers.

During her address, Alesya underscored that the student years represent an opportune time for experimentation, self-discovery, overcoming fear of failure, and pursuing one's aspirations with confidence.

The event, held in collaboration with the Moscow Innovation Agency, gathered young entrepreneurs with firsthand experience in successfully launching and testing startup ventures.

Source: https://innoagency.ru/news/news/kak_zapustit_startap_v_moskve_20240221


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NeuroChat ist für Menschen, die niemals aufgeben! Wählen sie ihre bevorzugte Lieferungsart und entdecken sie Kommunikation auf neuem Niveau!


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